Following is a list of the files needed to create a Client BOOT Disk for
connection to an NT server:
(read NOTES that follow the listing)

 Volume in drive A is NT_CLIENT  
 Volume Serial Number is 271D-17D9
 Directory of A:\

COMMAND  COM        54,645  05-31-94  6:22a COMMAND.COM
AUTOEXEC BAT           116  11-01-97  4:28p AUTOEXEC.BAT
CONFIG   SYS           112  11-01-97  5:35p CONFIG.SYS
SMARTDRV EXE        45,145  05-31-94  6:22a SMARTDRV.EXE
SETVER   EXE        12,015  05-31-94  6:22a SETVER.EXE
HIMEM    SYS        29,136  05-31-94  6:22a HIMEM.SYS
NET            <DIR>        11-01-97  4:22p NET
         6 file(s)        141,169 bytes
         1 dir(s)         419,840 bytes free

 Directory of A:\NET

.              <DIR>        11-01-97  4:22p .
..             <DIR>        11-01-97  4:22p ..
WFWSYS   CFG           840  11-01-97  1:05p WFWSYS.CFG
SHARES   PWL           622  11-01-97  1:05p SHARES.PWL
CONNECT  DAT            40  11-01-97  7:16p CONNECT.DAT
PROTOCOL INI           407  11-01-97  1:04p PROTOCOL.INI
EL59X    DOS        20,490  03-26-96  1:26p EL59X.DOS
PROTMAN  DOS        21,940  08-09-96 12:00a PROTMAN.DOS
PROTMAN  EXE        13,782  08-09-96 12:00a PROTMAN.EXE
NDISHLP  SYS         4,468  08-09-96 12:00a NDISHLP.SYS
NET      MSG        76,234  08-09-96 12:00a NET.MSG
NETH     MSG       123,066  08-09-96 12:00a NETH.MSG
NET      EXE       450,326  08-09-96 12:00a NET.EXE
IFSHLP   SYS         4,644  08-09-96 12:00a IFSHLP.SYS
NWLINK   EXE        27,670  08-09-96 12:00a NWLINK.EXE
SYSTEM   INI           408  11-01-97  5:28p SYSTEM.INI
        14 file(s)        744,937 bytes
         2 dir(s)         419,840 bytes free


(1) Edit the A:\Autoexec.bat and A:\Config.sys files to make certain that
all program calls and paths are pointed to the A: drive.
(2) Edit the A:\NET\System.ini to make certain that
all program calls and paths are pointed to the A: drive.
(3) Edit the A:\NET\System.ini to have the proper DOMAIN and USER info.
(4) Edit the A:\NET\Protocol.ini to point to the correct NIC driver
(5) Make certain that the correct NIC driver is on the floppy.

To start from scratch with this project, copy the DISK1 and DISK2 from the
NT CD in the \CLIENT\DOS directory to two floppies.
After booting to DOS, insert the DISK1 floppy and run SETUP.
Do not choose to Optimize, if there is a core ram issue.
After the C:\NET directory is created and filled with the proper files,
create a BOOT disk and \NET directory on it and copy the files from
the above list to the floppy.

Rember to make TWO copies of the floppy in case you ruin one while using it
as you can NOT write protect it or you will not be able to set up mappings.

-End of document-